Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Birthday card

This is a birthday card I made. The large flower is 3D and the other smaller flowers are cutouts.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Puzzle card

This is a card that I made to use as an acceptance card for a wedding.  I took a piece of Japanese craft paper and cut it along the gold lines to create multiple pieces that I then stuck onto a piece of orange card but left a 2mm gap between the pieces. I then trimmed it and mounted it onto another piece of orange card and then blue card.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Generic female card

Although the title of this post sounds bland, the card I made wasn't. Like my first attempt, I made another 3D picture card.

This card does not have a message in it so I'm not sure who I will give it to. I think I will probably use it as a birthday card.

First attempt

With my supplies at hand, I started to make my first card. It is a 3D picture card. It is created by cutting out 4 identical pictures, but removing things in the background from each layer. The pictures are then layered on top of each other with small foam circles in-between to create some depth. I set the card onto coloured card and also stamped the words "Thinking of you" to the bottom.

I was quite pleased with my first attempt. My husband was even impressed enough to give me permission to give it to someone!

Starting out

I recently decided that I needed a new hobby and decided that card making would be a nice way to occupy some of my free time as well as allowing me to make something for someone else. With a little bit of research, I found a store called Bellbird Paper Arts in Blackburn, Melbourne, which claimed to have craft supplies for making cards. They also run many classes so I figured that this was a good place to start. Because all of their classes were booked out for the next month, they helped get me started by pointing out what sort of supplies a complete beginner like me would require. They were very helpful and I recommend checking them out if you are interested in card making.